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bunto-import is entirely open-source, which means we need your help to make it better!

Ran into an Issue?

Found an issue with one of the importers? Sorry about that! In order to better assist you and make sure the problem never happens, again, we would love for you to do a few things:

  1. Collection information about your system: operating system and version, Ruby version, Bunto version, bunto-import version.
  2. Which importer are you using? Note this.
  3. Collect the relevant data. This may be data from your database or input file. This will help us diagnose where the issue occurred.
  4. Ensure the --trace option is specified if you’re running bunto import from the command-line.
  5. Open a new issue describing the four above points, as well as what you expected the outcome of your incantation to be.

You should receive help soon. As always, check out our help repo if you just have a question.

Creating a New Importer

So you have a new system you want to be able to import from? Great! It’s pretty simple to add a new importer to bunto-import. In this example, we’ll be creating the Blag importer.

First thing’s first: create the file where the importer will go. In this case, that will be lib/bunto-import/importers/blag.rb. Inside this file, we’ll add this template:

module BuntoImport
  module Importers
    class Blag < Importer
      def self.require_deps

      def self.specify_options(c)
        c.option 'dbname', '--dbname DB', 'Database name (default: "")'
        c.option 'user', '--user USER', 'Database user name (default: "")'
        c.option 'password', '--password PW', "Database user's password (default: "")"
        c.option 'host', '--host HOST', 'Database host name (default: "localhost")'

      def self.process(opts)
        options = {
          :dbname   => opts.fetch('dbname', ''),
          :user     => opts.fetch('user', ''),
          :password => opts.fetch('password', ''),
          :host     => opts.fetch('host', '')

        # Do the magic!

Let’s go through this quickly.


This function is called before you run your importer to make sure all the necessary gem dependencies are installed on the user’s system.


The specify_options function is passed c, which is the Mercenary::Command instance for this importer. It allows you to specify the right options for your importer to be used with the command-line interface for your importer. bunto-import sets up everything else – just specify these options and you’re golden.


Where the magic happens! This method should read from your Blag source, then output a Bunto site.

Optional: self.validate

This function is entirely optional, but allows for some validation of the options. This method allows you to validate the options any way you wish. For example:

def self.validate(opts)
  abort "Specify a username!" if opts["username"].nil?
  abort "Your username must be a number." unless opts["username"].match(/\A\d+\z/)

Once you have your importer working (test with script/console), then you’re ready to add documentation. Add your new file: site/_importers/ Take a look at one of the other importers as an example. You just add basic usage and you’re golden.

All set? Add everything to a branch on your fork of bunto-import and submit a pull request. Thank you!