HTML5 Powered

Movable Type

To import your posts from Movable Type, run:

$ ruby -rubygems -e 'require "bunto-import";{
      "engine"   => "mysql", # "postgres" is also supported
      "dbname"   => "name",
      "user"     => "myuser",
      "password" => "mypassword",
      "host"     => "myhost",
      "blog_id"   => nil,  # Set to specific ID to iimport just one blog
      "categories" => true, # Set to false to not save categories to front matter
      "src_encoding" => "UTF-8",
      "dest_encoding" => "UTF-8",
      "comments" => true

Posts will be generated and placed in _posts directory.

The only required fields are dbname and user. password defaults to "" and host defaults to "localhost".

comments, which defaults to false, control the generation of comment. If comments set to true, posts will be generated and placed in _comments directory.

All of the posts and comments will include post_id in YAML front matter to link a post and its comments.

To include imported comments as part of a post, use the yet to merge fork of mt-static-comments to include statically generate comments in your post. Fork and provide feedback if necessary.