Install additional gems
To use this importer, you need to install these additional gems: `gem install unidecode sequel mysql2 htmlentities`
To import your posts from a self-hosted WordPress installation, run:
$ ruby -rubygems -e 'require "bunto-import";
"dbname" => "",
"user" => "",
"password" => "",
"host" => "localhost",
"socket" => "",
"table_prefix" => "wp_",
"site_prefix" => "",
"clean_entities" => true,
"comments" => true,
"categories" => true,
"tags" => true,
"more_excerpt" => true,
"more_anchor" => true,
"extension" => "html",
"status" => ["publish"]
None of the fields are required. Their defaults are as you see above.
This only imports post & page data & content
This importer only converts your posts and creates YAML front-matter. It does not import any layouts, styling, or external files (images, CSS, etc.).